‹GenVideos› Full Movie Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
Directed by J.J. Abrams /
runtime 2 hour, 22 min /
average rating 6,9 of 10 /
release date 2019 /
Country USA /
✵✵ ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
✵✵ https://zdf-de-mediathek.com/watch/1131?utm_source=localinfo.jp
✵✵ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Imagine being next to this guy in a cinema. I. Wonder when they will bring the McRib back. Ray actually reads the books, becomes jedi and sith, shoots lightening out her eye, beat thanos. Strongest avenger. Girl power go. Is that the emperor's laugh at the end. Critics Consensus Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker suffers from a frustrating lack of imagination, but concludes this beloved saga with fan-focused devotion. 52% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 483 86% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 98, 221 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Ratings & Reviews Explanation Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Videos Photos Movie Info The battle between the Jedi and the Sith comes to a thrilling conclusion in this final chapter of the Skywalker Saga. A year following the events of The Last Jedi, the remaining members of the Resistance are forced to confront their past while taking on the First Order one more time. Rating: PG-13 (for sci-fi violence and action) Genre: Action & Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 20, 2019 wide On Disc/Streaming: Mar 17, 2020 Runtime: 155 minutes Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Cast News & Interviews for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Critic Reviews for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Audience Reviews for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Quotes Movie & TV guides.
Who else for a second thought this was a fan-made trailer.
Just think how much better all of this would be if they just had a written story for 3 movies and the same director? No need to retcon everything. Good luck JJ.
Oi, Palpy is that you mate.
Thanks for all the love and support guys.
The fleet was built in the hidden passage only the emperor knew the way through.
Did ya'll think of this HISHE vid? Agree with em in any way? haha - Here's how your experience should end with this vid, HIT The Like Button & Make Sure To *SUBSCRIBE. Michael B's Omn1Media.
Emeror palpatine is my fav star wars character hands down so excited to see him again. Thought the laugh track was animated joker for a second, was more excited really. This movie contains many cliche and unoriginal elements that feel exhausting along with somehow allowing the movie to feel silly and cartoony even for a fantasy movie. The chemistry between Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver carries the movie and is by far the high point. The finale doesn't seem as climactic as it seems rushed. Anyone else cry of happiness 😭. Cant wait to skip this movie. It would be great if this was the last star wars ever. I'm looking forward to it ending.
This man said when rey and rylo had their force skype sessions LOL.
Rey's saber looks like she made it from her staff
Rogue Ones trailer gave me goosebumps! I fucking loved that movie.
Imagine JJ Abrams learned from “Infinity War” and “Endgame” to trick us.
Seriously I want my dad to buy this.
Han Solo: that's not how the force works.
Screencrush: There's also this ship. Me: Yes a U-Wing from Rogue One Screencrush: That your mo. My phone preforms a Holdo manuever against the wall. 1:01 right side of the Falcon, is that the Ghost. The Emperor Laugh and then the “oohhhhhh! ”.
This video shouldve been called lmao look what we found on imbd
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They left out how finn will become a jedi. He had powers of sensing where was Rey and when princesses Leia died and how he had control of the lightsaber also. First storm trooper jedi🤔.
Ive seen the film. Trust me, this is the crawl. Bring me their flesh, Clone Rey. Bring me aaaaaaalllll of their flesh. I feel like J.J is just working to try to wrap up what the original new saga movie started and the second one undid. Re-establish a new (or old) overarching baddie when TLJ unceremoniously disposed of what TFA set up. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan! I can see where people are coming from with their complaints. But. man I really enjoyed Rise of Skywalker. Loved the movie! Did an excellent job at answering questions and tying everything together. Really loved the characters in the movie as well. Chewy and Han might have raised her, though my thought is the template of Obi-Wan is my guess that or Anakin taken by Obi-wan to Camino as to protect the Jedi Order.
By far and away the worst of the saga. Terribly edited. Story is complete nonsense. It is a long, senseless McGuffin chase. Loads of broken canon. Looks like a rush job and now Abrams has destroyed Star Trek and now utterly destroyed Star Wars. This man has assaulted American mythology for what purpose? What did he gain by defacing our modern myths? Do not give your money to The Mouse or to Bad Reboot. I can only imagine what it smells like in that room.
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